BrainVoyager uses a software-based licensing system and will not run without a valid single computer or floating network license.
For more details, follow the link to the EDU version. Installing and running the EDU version is also useful to test compatibility of your computer hardware with BrainVoyager. It is, however, limited to specific datasets that are used to teach BrainVoyager and (f)MRI data analysis. The EDU version does not require a license and is fully functional. If you are new to BrainVoyager and want to check it out, we recommend to use the EDU version of BrainVoyager. For more information, read the BrainVoyager release blog posts.īrainVoyager EDU version. BrainVoyager 22.2 for macOS BrainVoyager is our flagship product that provides a comprehensive, fast and elegant way to perform advanced neuroimaging data analysis and to create stunning visualizations.